Friday, July 23, 2010


Ok i have a really big problem i keep getting pimples over night! i wash my face every night but if for some reason i dont for one night i get pimples! i nevr had a issue with pimples but ever since summer has started i get pimples so quick and easy! it makes me really mad because the month before i started getting pimples really quick my face was perfect but now i cant stop them! please tell me how i can stop it! i am going to go insane if this keeps going on!HELP I KEEP GETTING PIMPLES OVERNIGHT AND I CANT STOP THEM!?
Try using a product with salicylic acid in it. I like Clean and Clear pimple clearing lotion. Just wash your face, dry it, put on the lotion and you're good to go.HELP I KEEP GETTING PIMPLES OVERNIGHT AND I CANT STOP THEM!?
Try this simple remedy. Wash your face twice a day in warm salty water. This should leave your face oil free without aggravating the pimples like soap. The secret of keeping the skin clear is to keep it oil-free and clean. More such solutions at
First, you might need to wash your pillow. You have no idea how much bacteria and dirt is on a pillow...

Second, summer is the worst for acne because that's when it gets really hot and people sweat and the pores on their face get clogged.

Finally, washing your face every night is good! Wash with warm water, THEN cold. If there's one particular pimple, put a dab of toothpaste on it for 7 minutes then wash it off. The toothpaste dries up the pimple and reduces the swelling. It works for me, but for other people i don't know.

Hope this helped and good luck! :)
Order Mary Kay acne treatment cream.
try changing yur pillow cases and sheets frequently.
Make sure you wash your pillowcase frwquently. A lot of people dont stop and think about how dirty that can get and its pushed into your face all night. Also make sre to exfoliate your face at least twice a week to keep your pores unclogged.This is in addition to your regular washing. You already know you can get perscription cream to put on but I would suggest the pills the doctor can give you. Those really helped me. Also go to a local drugstore and buy a Zeno or google it. It will zap the pimples off. It lasers or something to kill the bacterias in a pimple.

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