Sunday, July 25, 2010

How To Stop A Pimple Phobia??


My dad enjoy's destroying his and my families acne to no extent, and I want it to end NOW! and I want to help him stop if it's at all possible.

If you tell my dad you have a pimple he'd go gung-ho and pull out pin's, tweezers, a mirror and a soap bar. How do I make him stop? I've counted his neck, he has 15 pimples that he's completely devastated and don't even get me started about his head!! lets put this way, he'll be bald before he's 60 if he keeps it up.

He's sick in the sense that he won't stop, why just the day before yesterday he made his head bleed through chipping it and two days after you know what? he's still chipping at it!! it'll get infected no?!

Me and my mom have told him and tried to make him stop but it keeps happening every time I look at him he's chipping at his face and head and it has to stop!!

I call it a pimple phobia but I realy know he's addicted to popping them and what I want to know is this:

How Can I Help Him Stop ASAP?How To Stop A Pimple Phobia??
Of course it can be fun to pop them, however in the process of popping them, one can actually spread the bacteria that caused the breakout in the first place. You may want to consider Psychological, or Psychiatric counseling, if he is continuing to be self destructive.How To Stop A Pimple Phobia??
There is no way to make him stop. He needs professional help. The best you can do is remind him that every single time he opens up a pimple he is spreading the staph bacteria all over the place and possibly causing more pimples and exposing you to more bacteria.
He is obsessive compulsive. Your Mom needs to make an appointment with a dermatologist for him.
try out the tooth paste techniqe ,i too have pimples ,iguess it works on ur dad cause acnes r terrible n it depends on persons skin tone.good luck!.apply the tooth paste on the acne spot i the night n remove it with water in the morning.

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